Municipal Court
Municipal Court

The Glen Dale Municipal Court processes citations written by the City of Glen Dale Police Department for Municipal Code Violations.
The court will schedule hearings and notify the West Virginia Department of Motors Vehicles of violations.
Pay a Citation
You may make payment to the Municipal Court in person with personal check, money order, cash, or credit or debit card. We are located at the Glen Dale City Building at 402 Wheeling Ave. Payments are accepted 24 hours.
You may make payment to the Municipal Court by mail with personal check or money order. Make your check or money order payable to Glen Dale Municipal Court. Please include a copy of your citation or write the citation number in the memo of your check. Mail to 402 Wheeling Ave. Glen Dale, WV 26038
With credit card or debit card (user fees may apply). Call 304-845-5511. Payments are accepted 24 hours.
You may make a payment online by visiting our payments page.
Request a Court Date / Request a Payment Plan
Criminal Court/Traffic Court is held on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 5:00pm at the Glen Dale City Building unless those dates fall on a recognized federal or state holiday.
To request a court date or request a payment plan, choose one of the following methods:
Present the citation in person to the Glen Dale Municipal Court, located at the Glen Dale City Building at 402 Wheeling Ave
Mail the citation to the Municipal Court stating you wish to appear in court. Mail to 402 Wheeling Ave. Glen Dale, WV 26038.
Call 304-845-5511 during regular hours to schedule a court date. Court hours are Monday through Friday from 8 AM – 4 PM.
Send citation to stating you wish to appear in court.
NOTE: A payment plan request must be accompanied by the Payment Plan Affidavit form.
A court date will be assigned to you and a notice to appear will be mailed to the defendant.
The defendant must appear in court on all Driving Under the Influences cases. A notice will be sent to the defendant.
If you cannot appear on your scheduled court date, you must call the clerk at least 24 hours in advance to receive a continuance.
All pleadings are to be filed with the Court Clerk.